Books published by MathPro Press

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Index to Mathematical Problems 1980-1984
by Stanley Rabinowitz.
ISBN 0-9626401-1-5, Hardcover, 544 pp., 8 1/2" x 11", $69.95
Index to Mathematical Problems 1975-1979
by Stanley Rabinowitz and Mark Bowron.
ISBN 0-9626401-2-3, Hardcover, 528 pp., 8 1/2" x 11", $69.95
Combination set 1 (both of the above) $100.00
Leningrad Mathematical Olympiads 1987-1991
by Dmitry Fomin and Alexey Kirichenko.
ISBN 0-9626401-4-X, Softcover, 224 pp., 6" x 9", $24.00
ARML-NYSML Contests 1989-1994
by Lawrence Zimmerman and Gilbert Kessler.
ISBN 0-9626401-6-6, Softcover, 208 pp., 6" x 9", $24.00
Combination set 2 (both of the above) $39.00
Problems and Solutions from The Mathematical Visitor 1877-1896
by Stanley Rabinowitz.
ISBN 0-9626401-5-8, Softcover, 256 pp., 8 1/2" x 11", $24.00
Combination set 3 (all five of our books) $150.00
NYSML-ARML Contests 1983-1988
by Gilbert Kessler and Lawrence Zimmerman.
ISBN 0-9626401-7-4, Softcover, 160 pp., 5 1/2" x 8", $24.00
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