Unsolved Problems

Algebraic Geometry--Open Problems
    C. Ciliberto
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1983
    Paperback. 411 pages.    ISBN 0-387-12320-2     LCCN 83-012390

Continua: With the Houston Problem Book
    Volume 170 of the series Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Howard Cook, W. T. Ingram, and K. T. Kuperberg
    Marcel Dekker, City of publication unknown: 1995
    Paperback. 402 pages.    ISBN 0-8247-9650-0    

Definitions, Solved and Unsolved Problems, Conjectures, and Theorems in Number Theory and Geometry
    Florentin Smarandache
    Xiquan Publishing House, City of publication unknown: 2000
    Paperback. 84 pages.    ISBN 1-879585-74-X    

Erdos on Graphs: His legacy of unsolved problems
    Fan R. K. Chung and Ronald L. Graham
    A K Peters, Wellesley, MA: 1998
    Hardcover. 142 pages.    ISBN 1-56881-079-2     LCCN 97-046327

Mathématiques de demain, problčmes non résolus
    Charles Stanley Ogilvy
    Dunod, Paris: 1966
    Unknown binding. 152 pages. French.     LCCN 72-381436

Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory
    Volume 11 of the series Dolciani mathematical expositions
    Victor Klee and Stan Wagon
    Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1991
    Hardcover. 333 pages.    ISBN 0-88385-315-9     LCCN 91-061591

Only Problems, Not Solutions!
    Florentin Smarandache
    Xiquan Publishing House, Phoenix: 1991
    Hardcover. 35 pages.    ISBN 1-879585-00-6     LCCN 92-108051

Open Problems in Topology
    Jan Van Mill, George M. Reed, and J. Van Mill
    North-Holland, Amsterdam: 1990
    Hardcover. 692 pages.    ISBN 0-444-88768-7     LCCN 90-041321

Open questions in mathematics
    Bormeol-Oaks Press, City of publication unknown: 1974
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 75-002316

Proposed Problems of Mathematics
    Florentin Smarandache
    Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Catedra de Algebra, Chisinau: 1998
    Paperback. 96 pages.    ISBN 1-879585-37-5     LCCN 98-151557

Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
    Daniel Shanks
    Spartan Books, Washington: 1962
    Hardcover.     LCCN 62-018192

Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 2nd edition
    A volume in the series Chelsea Publishing Series
    Daniel Shanks
    Chelsea, New York: 1978
    Unknown binding. 258 pages.    ISBN 0-8284-0297-3     LCCN 77-013019

Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 3rd edition
    A volume in the series Chelsea Publishing Series
    Daniel Shanks
    Chelsea, New York: 1985
    Hardcover. 304 pages.    ISBN 0-8284-1297-9     LCCN 85-207520

Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 4th edition
    A volume in the series Chelsea Publishing Series
    Daniel Shanks
    Chelsea, New York: 1993
    Hardcover. 304 pages.    ISBN 0-8284-2297-4    

Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 5th edition
    Volume 297 of the series AMS Chelsea Publishing
    Daniel Shanks
    American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 2002
    Hardcover. 304 pages.    ISBN 0-8218-2824-X    

The Kourovka Notebook: Unsolved problems in group theory
    Volume 121 of the series American Mathematical Society translations
    L. Ia Leifman, Kourovskaia Tetrad., and D. J. Johnson
    American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 1983
    Hardcover. 112 pages.    ISBN 0-8218-3079-1     LCCN 83-009965

The Millennium Problems: The seven greatest unsolved mathematical puzzles of our time
    Keith J. Devlin
    Basic Books, New York: 2002
    Hardcover. 237 pages.    ISBN 0-465-01729-0     LCCN 2003-535468

The Scottish book: Mathematics from the Scottish Cafe
    Dan Mauldin
    Birkhauser, Boston: 1981
    Hardcover. 268 pages.    ISBN 3-7643-3045-7     LCCN 81-009934

TomorrowŐs Math: Unsolved problems for the amateur
    Charles Stanley Ogilvy
    Oxford University Press, New York: 1962
    Unknown binding. 182 pages.     LCCN 62-016577

TomorrowŐs Math: Unsolved problems for the amateur, 2nd edition
    Charles Stanley Ogilvy
    Oxford University Press, New York: 1972
    Hardcover. 198 pages.    ISBN 0-19-501508-8     LCCN 77-173328

Ungelöste und unlösbare Probleme der Geometrie
    Herbert Meschkowski
    Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim: 1975
    Hardcover. 203 pages. German.    ISBN 3-411-01483-0     LCCN 76-472114

Unsolved and unsolvable problems in geometry
    Herbert Meschkowski
    F. Ungar, New York: 1966
    Unknown binding. 168 pages.     LCCN 65-025028

Unsolved and unsolvable problems in geometry
    Herbert Meschkowski
    London, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh: 1966
    Unknown binding. 168 pages.     LCCN 66-073572

Unsolved problems
    Mathematics Dept. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC: 1980
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 80-502840

Unsolved Problems Concerning Lattice Points
    J. Hammer
    Pitman Publishing, London: 1977
    Paperback. 101 pages.    ISBN 0-273-01103-0     LCCN 78-308420

Unsolved Problems in Geometry
    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Hallard T. Croft, Kenneth J. Falconer, and Richard K. Guy
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1995
    Hardcover. 198 pages.    ISBN 0-387-97506-3    

Unsolved Problems in Number Theory
    Volume 1 of the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Richard K. Guy
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1981
    Hardcover. 161 pages.    ISBN 0-387-90593-6     LCCN 81-009183

Unsolved Problems in Number theory, 2nd edition
    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Richard K. Guy
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1994
    Hardcover. 285 pages.    ISBN 0-387-94289-0     LCCN 94-003818

Unsolved Problems on Mathematics for the 21st Century: A Tribute to Kiyoshi IsŽkiŐs 80th Birthday
    J. M. Abe
    IOS Press, Amsterdam: 2001
    Hardcover. 319 pages.    ISBN 9051994907     LCCN 00-111252

Unsolved problems related to Smarandache function
    Florentin Smarandache
    Number Theory Pub. Co., Phoenix: 1993
    Hardcover. 66 pages.    ISBN 1-879585-37-5     LCCN 93-220300