300 dŽfis mathematiques
Mohammed Aassila
Ellipses, Paris: 2001
Paperback. 266 pages. French. ISBN 2-7298-0840-X
A Collection of examples and problems in pure and mixed mathematics: with Answers and Occasional Hints, 6th edition
Alfred Wrigley
Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts, London: 1862
Hardcover. 309 pages.
A Collection of examples and problems in pure and mixed mathematics, 8th edition
Alfred Wrigley
Longmans, London: 1871
Hardcover. 309 pages.
A Collection of examples and problems in pure and mixed mathematics
Alfred Wrigley
Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London: 1903
Unknown binding. 294 pages. LCCN 03-007231
A Collection of Mathematical Problems
Stanislaw M. Ulam
Interscience Publishers, New York: 1960
Paperback. 150 pages. LCCN 60-008486
A Collection of Mathematical Problems and Examples: Arranged in the Different Subjects Progressively, with answers to all the Questions
H. A. Morgan
Macmillan, London: date of publication unknown
A Collection of Problems
Ya. S. Bugrov and S. M. Nikolsky
Mir, Moscow: 1984
Hardcover. 181 pages.
A Collection of Problems
Ya. S. Bugrov
Imported Publications, Moscow: 1985
Hardcover. ISBN 0-8285-2896-9
A collection of problems and examples adapted to the Elementary course of mathematics
Harvey Goodwin
Unknown publisher, Cambridge: 1851
Unknown binding.
A collection of problems and examples adapted to the Elementary course of mathematics
Harvey Goodwin
Deighton, Cambridge : 1903
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-007207
A mathematical solution book
Benjamin Franklin Finkel
Kibley, Kidder, MO: 1903
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-008799
A Problem Seminar
A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
Donald J. Newman
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1982
Paperback. 113 pages. ISBN 0-387-90765-3 LCCN 82-016729
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. An‡lisis matem‡tico: introducci—n al an‡lisis; c‡lculo diferencial para funciones de una variable. T. 1
I. I. Liashko, A. K. Boiarchuk, Ia. G. Gai, and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 256 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. An‡lisis matem‡tico: c‡lculo integral para funciones de una variable. T. 2
I. I. Liashko, A. K. Boiarchuk, Ia. G. Gai, and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 192 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. An‡lisis matem‡tico: series; funciones de argumento vectorial. T. 3
I. I. Liashko, A. K. Boiarchuk, Ia. G. Gai, and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 264 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. An‡lisis matem‡tico: integrales mœltiples y curvil’neas. T. 4
I. I. Liashko, A. K. Boiarchuk, Ia. G. Gai, and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 256 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Ecuaciones diferenciales: ecuaciones diferenciales de primer orden. T. 8
A. K. Boiarchuk and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 256 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Ecuaciones diferenciales: ecuaciones diferenciales de —rdenes superiores, sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales y ecuaciones en derivadas parciales. T. 9
A. K. Boiarchuk and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 256 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Ecuaciones diferenciales: estabilidad y temas especiales. T. 10
A. K. Boiarchuk and G. P. Golovach
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 280 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Variable compleja: funciones de variable compleja. T. 5
A. K. Boiarchuk
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 320 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Variable compleja: integraci—n y series. T. 6
A. K. Boiarchuk
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 216 pages. Spanish.
AntiDemid—vich. Matem‡tica superior. Problemas resueltos. Variable compleja: residuos y temas especiales. T. 7
A. K. Boiarchuk
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 216 pages. Spanish.
Application de lÕAlegebra et la Geometrie
G. Ritt
De L. Hachette, Paris: 1857
Hardcover. 284 pages. French.
Arithmétique et dessin géométrique
Théodore Leconte
A. Colin, Paris: 1942
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 51-047974
Arithmetische Aufgaben
Friedrich Holtmann
Fachbuch-verlag, Leipzig: 1960
Unknown binding. LCCN 60-051944
Aufgaben aus dem Dienstbetrieb der Kriegsmarine für den mathematischen und
Günther Ohnesorge
E. S. Mittler, Berlin: 1942
Unknown binding. 83 pages. German. LCCN 49-036903
Aufgaben mit Lösungen aus Olympiaden Junger Mathematiker
Wolfgang Engel
Volk und Wissen, VEB, Berlin: 1972-
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 74-351601
Aufgaben zur analytischen geometrie des raumes
Otto Th Bürklen
G. J. Göschen, Leipzig: 1918
Unknown binding. 109 pages. German. LCCN 43-045835
Aufgabensammlung der höheren Mathematik
Vasilii Pavlovich Minorskii
Fachbuch-verlag, Leipzig: 1965
Unknown binding. 313 pages. German. LCCN 67-081417
Aufgabensammlung der höheren Mathematik
Vasilii Pavlovich Minorskii
Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig: 1970
Unknown binding. 313 pages. German. LCCN 72-560260
Aufgabensammlung zur höheren Mathematik
Nikolai Maksimovich Giunter
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin: 1957
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 57-048029
Aufgabensammlung zur höheren Mathematik
Nikolai Maksimovich Giunter
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin: 1966
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 74-377427
Aufgabensammlung zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung
Elena Sergeevna Venttsel´
Akademie-Verlag, Berlin: 1973
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 73-351872
Über den Mathematikunterricht an den Kriegsschulen
Günther Ohnesorge
E. S. Mittler, Berlin: 1941
Unknown binding. 53 pages. German. LCCN 50-041986
Cahier e'exercices du livre 13, Permutations et combinations, le binôme
Guy Richard
Lidec, Montreal: 1968
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 73-339305
Calendar problems from the Mathematics teacher
John Grant McLoughlin
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: 2002
Hardcover. 126 pages. ISBN 0-87353-515-4 LCCN 2003-268187
Cent problèmes d'arithmétique et d'algèbre des examens du brevet supérieur
Gaston Nampon
Hachette, Paris: 1932
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 32-024397
Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions
A. M. Yaglom
Holden-Day, San Francisco: 1964
Unknown binding. LCCN 64-016571
Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions, vol 2
A. M. Yaglom and Isaac Moiseev Yaglom
Dover Publications, New York: 1987
Paperback. 214 pages. ISBN 0-486-65537-7 LCCN 87-027298
Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions, vol 1
A. M. Yaglom and Isaac Moiseev Yaglom
Dover Publications, New York: 1987
Paperback. 214 pages. ISBN 0-486-65536-9 LCCN 87-027298
Collection of problems and exercises in mathematics
D. Dorokhin, Z. Plaksenko, and G. Bazhora
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 340 pages.
Computational mathematics: worked examples and problems with elements of theory
N. V. Kopchenova and I. A. Maron
Mir, Moscow: 1981
Hardcover. 395 pages. LCCN 77356389
Cours résumé et exercices de mathématiques
E. Azoulay
Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris: 1971
Unknown binding. 185 pages. French. LCCN 72-344711
Culegere de probleme de matematica
Mihai Cocuz
Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucuresti: 1984
Unknown binding. 430 pages. unknown. LCCN 85-134259
Culegere de probleme de matematici superioare
Ion Stamate
Editura didactica si pedagogica, Bucarest: 1971
Unknown binding. 287 pages. unknown. LCCN 72-309373
Der wettlauf mit der schildkröte; gelöste und ungelöste probleme
Theodor Wolff
A. Scherl G.m.b.H., Berlin: 1929
Unknown binding. LCCN 30-014983
Dublin problems
G. & W. Whittaker, London: 1823
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-008171
Elementary Mathematics: selected topics and problem solving
G. Dorofeev, M. Potapov, and N. Rozov
Mir, Moscow: 1973
Hardcover. 488 pages.
Elements DÕArithemetique: de Geometrie et DÕAlegebre
F. Vintejoux
Hatchette, Paris: 1900
Hardcover. 283 pages. French.
Eléments de mathématiques supérieures
Henri Gustave Vogt
Vuibert, Paris: 1983
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 82-007336
Elementy logiki matematycznej i algiebry wyzszej w przykladach i
Olga. Bere´sniewicz-Rajca
Dzial Wydawn Politechniki Slaskiej, Gliwice: 1972
Unknown binding. 336 pages. unknown. LCCN 72-204360
Esercitazioni di matematica generale
Giusepp Chiassino
F. Cacucci, Bari: 1968
Unknown binding. 592 pages. unknown. LCCN 77-380709
Esercizi di matematica generale
Liugi Zecchin
CEDAM, Padova: 1942
Unknown binding. 174 pages. unknown. LCCN 48-002564
Exercices de calcul numérique
P. Aubert and G. Papelier
Vuibert, Paris: 1920
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 21-001064
Exercices de mathématiques
E. Azoulay
Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris: 1967
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 68-098008
Exercices de mathématiques
E. Azoulay
Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris: 1973
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 73-345585
Exercices de mathématiques: avec rappels de cours
E. Azoulay
Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris: 1975
Hardcover. French. ISBN 2-7181-6047-0 LCCN 76-470268
Exercices de mathŽmatiques supŽrieures
Ya. S. Bugrov and S. M. Nikolski
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 248 pages. French.
Exercices et problmes des mathŽmatiques supŽrieures
P. E. Danko and A. G. Popov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 448 pages. French.
Exercices et problèmes résolus
Maurice Crestey
Dunod, Paris: 1972
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 74-328710
Exercices et problèmes résolus de mathématique
Michel Simon
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1972
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 72-365843
Exercices et problèmes résolus; spéciales et MP 2
Maurice Crestey
Dunod, Paris: 1970
Unknown binding. 306 pages. French. LCCN 72-307355
Exercises and problems supplementary to First course in algebra
Herbert Edwin Hawkes
Ginn, Boston: 1917
Unknown binding. LCCN 17-028886
Exercises et problèmes
Jacques Leroy
La Chapelle-Montligeon, Orne: 1946
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 47-021730
Exercises et problèmes résolus
Maurice Crestey
Dunod, Paris: 1969
Unknown binding. 384 pages. French. LCCN 78-554639
Exercises in Mathematics
David Beveridge Mair
Macmillan, London: 1920
Unknown binding. 492 pages.
Exercises in Mathematics
David Beveridge Mair
Elibron, Chestnut Hill, MA: 2001
Paperback. 492 pages.
Exercises in modern mathematics
D. T. E. Marjoram
Unknown publisher, Oxford: 1964
Unknown binding. 250 pages. LCCN 65-002708
Exploratory problems in mathematics
Frederick W. Stevenson
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: 1991
Hardcover. 168 pages. ISBN 0-87353-338-0 LCCN 91034782
Exrcices dÕAlgebre, dÕAnalyse et de Trigonometrie: 1958-1949
P. Aubert and G. Papelier
Vuibert, Paris: 1958
Hardcover. 358 pages. French.
Fachrechnen für das Baugewerbe
Wilhelm Lümmen
Girardet, Essen: 1948
Unknown binding. 168 pages. German. LCCN 51-015123
Favorite Problems
Dale Seymour and Rob Browne
Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 1988
Paperback. 112 pages. ISBN 0-86651-085-0
Five Hundred Mathematical Challenges
A volume in the series Spectrum series
Edward J. Barbeau, Murray S. Klamkin, and William O. J. Moser
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1995
Paperback. 227 pages. ISBN 0-88385-519-4 LCCN 95-078644
Further exercises in modern mathematics
D. T. E. Marjoram
Unknown publisher, Oxford: 1966
Unknown binding. 267 pages. LCCN 66-021141
Gelöste und ungelöste mathematische Probleme aus alter und neuer Zeit
Heinrich Tietze
Biederstein, Munich: 1949
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 50-021079
Gelöste und ungelöste mathematische Probleme aus alter und neuer Zeit
Heinrich Tietze
Beck, Munich: 1959
Unknown binding. 297 pages. German. LCCN 65-081026
Geometrie, Trigonometrie: exercices avec solutions
D. Bargues
Vuibert, Paris: 1993
Paperback. 286 pages. French. ISBN 2-7117-1374-1
Higher Mathematics: Advanced topics of Mathematical Analysis (volume 2)
A. V. Efimov and B. P. Demidovich
Mir, Moscow: 1984
Hardcover. 414 pages.
Higher Mathematics: Linear algebra and fundamentals of mathematical analysis (volume 1)
A. V. Efimov and B. P. Demidovich
Mir, Moscow: 1984
Hardcover. 511 pages.
Higher Mathematics for Engineering Students
A. V. Efimov and B. P. Demidovich
Mir, Moscow: 1986
Unknown binding. LCCN 86-164866
Higher Mathematics in Problems and Exercises
Mir, Moscow: 1989
Unknown binding. LCCN 89-134756
Higher mathematics in problems and exercises. V.1,2
P. E. Danko and A. G. Popov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 402 pages.
Hints and answers: Being a key to A collection of Cambridge mathematical Problems
John Martin Frederick Wright
W. P. Grant, Cambridge: 1903
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-008170
Index to Mathematical Problems 1975-1979
Volume 2 of the series Indexes to Mathematical Problems
Stanley Rabinowitz and Mark Bowron
MathPro Press, Westford, MA: 1997
Hardcover. ISBN 0-9626401-2-3 LCCN 96-079097
Index to Mathematical Problems 1980-1984
Volume 1 of the series Indexes to Mathematical Problems
Stanley Rabinowitz
MathPro Press, Westford, MA: 1992
Hardcover. 532 pages. ISBN 0-9626401-1-5 LCCN 91-066461
Ingenious Mathematical Problems and Methods
L. A. Graham
Dover Publications, New York: 1959
Paperback. 237 pages. LCCN 59-011841
Intriguing Mathematical Problems
Oswald Jacoby and William H. Benson
Dover Publications, Mineola, NY: 1996
Paperback. 191 pages. ISBN 0-486-29261-4 LCCN 96-019505
Invitation to mathematics
William H. Glenn and Donovan A. Johnson
Doubleday, Garden City, NY: 1961
Unknown binding. 373 pages. LCCN 62008932
Invitation to mathematics
Donovan A. Johnson
Unknown publisher, St. Louis: 1960
Unknown binding. 64 pages. LCCN 60016276
Középiskolai matematikai versenyek
Tibor Bakos
Budapest, Budapest: 1970
Unknown binding. 107 pages. Hungarian. LCCN 75-297911
Kombinatornyi analiz: zadachi i uprazhneniia
Nauka,Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoi lit-ry, Moscow: 1982
Unknown binding. 365 pages. unknown. LCCN 83-163430
Koululaisten kansainväliset matematiikkaolympialaiset
Kirjayhtymä, Helsinki: 1975
Unknown binding. 95 pages. unknown. LCCN 76-520783
Kunst-oeffeningen over verscheide nuttige onderwerpen der wiskunde, 1-2
Unknown publisher, Amsterdam: 1782
Unknown binding. Dutch. LCCN 03-025093
Lösungen zu den Aufgaben aus dem Dienstbetrieb der Kriegsmarine für den
Günther Ohnesorge
E. S. Mittler, Berlin: 1943
Unknown binding. 94 pages. German. LCCN 52-046392
Lecciones populares de matem‡ticas. Problemas elementales de m‡ximo y m’nimo. Suma de candidades infinitamente peque–as
L. P. Natanson
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 108 pages. Spanish.
Lehr- und übungsbuch der arithmetik und algebra für knaben-mittelschulen
Hubert Müller
B. G. Teubner, Leipzig: 1911
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 11-001183
Les 200 Premiers Problems de LÕA.P.M.E.P.
Dominique Roux
A.P.M.E.P., Paris: 1994
Paperback. 166 pages. French. ISBN 2-902-68070-8
Matem‡ticas superiores en ejercicios v problemas. V.1,2
P. E. Danko and A. G. Popov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 370 pages. Spanish.
Matem‡ticas superiores. Problemas
Ya. S. Bugrov and S. M. Nikolski
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 214 pages. Spanish.
Math 3e
Jean-Louis Boursin
Belin, Paris: 1989
Paperback. 264 pages. French. ISBN 2-7011-1276-1
Math 4e
Jean-Louis Boursin
Belin, Paris: 1988
Paperback. 323 pages. French. ISBN 2-7011-1276-1
Mathematical and physical papers
George Gabriel Stokes
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 1880
Unknown binding. LCCN 05-029123
Mathematical and physical papers
George Gabriel Stokes
Johnson Reprint Corp., New York: 1966
Unknown binding. LCCN 66-021646
Mathematical Challenges: puzzles and problems in secondary school mathematics
Peter Gould and Ian Porteus
Janson, Providence, RI: 1989
Paperback. 59 pages.
Mathematical challenges: Selected problems from the Mathematics student..
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington: 1965
Unknown binding. 135 pages. LCCN 65-019606
Mathematical Challenges for the Middle Grades from the Arithmetic Teacher
William D. Jamski
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: 1990
Hardcover. 48 pages. ISBN 0-87353-296-1 LCCN 90-037386
Mathematical Challenges for the Middle Grades from the Mathematics Teacher Calendar Problems
William D. Jamski
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: 1991
Hardcover. 46 pages. ISBN 0-87353-340-2 LCCN 91-033263
Mathematical challenges II, plus six: Selected problems from the Mathematics Student Journal
Thomas J. Hill
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: 1974
Unknown binding. 122 pages. LCCN 74-009766
Mathematical Circles: Russian experience
Volume 7 of the series Mathematical World
Sergeæi Aleksandrovich Genkin, Ilia V. Itenberg, and Dmitry Fomin
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 1996
Hardcover. 272 pages. ISBN 0-8218-0430-8 LCCN 96-017683
Mathematical Miniatures
Volume 43 of the series New Mathematical Library
Svetoslav Savchev and Titu Andreescu
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 2003
Hardcover. 230 pages. ISBN 0-88385-645-X LCCN 2001-097390
Mathematical nuts for lovers of mathematics
Samuel Isaac Jones
Unknown publisher, Nashville, TN: 1932
Unknown binding. LCCN 32-005588
Mathematical Papers
William Kingdon Clifford
Macmillan, London: 1882
Unknown binding. LCCN 02-021425
Mathematical problem papers
T. B. W. Spencer
Metheun, London: 1943
Unknown binding. 88 pages. LCCN 44-027325
Mathematical problems: An anthology
Evgenii Borisovich Dynkin
Gordon and Breach, New York: 1969
Unknown binding. 69 pages. LCCN 68-027679
Mathematical problems and examples, arranged according to subjects, from
W. P. Grant, Cambridge: 1837
Unknown binding. 365 pages. LCCN 03-008167
Mathematical Problems & Proofs: Combinatorics, Number Theory, & Geometry
Branislav Kisacanin
Plenum Publishing Corporation, City of publication unknown: 1998
Hardcover. 214 pages. ISBN 0-306-45967-1
Mathematical quickies: 270 stimulating problems with solutions
Charles W. Trigg
Dover Publications, New York: 1985
Paperback. 210 pages. ISBN 0-486-24949-2 LCCN 85-007058
Mathematical Repository: Containing algebraical solutions
James Dodson
Unknown publisher, London: 1753
Mathematical Time Exposures
Isaac J. Schoenberg
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1982
Hardcover. 270 pages. ISBN 0-88385-438-4 LCCN 82-062766
Mathematical wrinkles: A handbook for teachers and private learners
Samuel Isaac Jones
Unknown publisher, Nashville, TN: 1930
Unknown binding. LCCN 30-002920
Mathematical wrinkles for teachers and private learners
Samuel Isaac Jones
Unknown publisher, Gunter, TX: 1912
Unknown binding. 312 pages. LCCN 12-021334
Mathematical wrinkles for teachers and private learners, consisting of
Samuel Isaac Jones
Unknown publisher, Nashville, TN: 1923
Unknown binding. 328 pages. LCCN 23-010090
Mathematics Problem Book
J. Heading
Pergamon Press, Oxford: 1964
Unknown binding. LCCN 64-013073
Mathematik-Repetitorium mit Formelsammlung und Musterbeispielen
Emil Ludwig
Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien: 1949
Unknown binding. 192 pages. German. LCCN 50-036137
Mathématique; exercices corrigés
Edmond Berrebi
Dunod, Paris: 1964
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 65-039694
Mathématique, exercices corrigés
Edmond Berrebi
Dunod, Paris: 1967
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 67-112091
Mathématiques, 130 exercices et problèmes pour s'entraîner
Laurent Sa•d
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris: 1998
Paperback. 124 pages. French. ISBN 2-13-049396-3
Mathematische Aufgaben
Emil Schleier
M. Jänecke, Leipzig: 1941
Unknown binding. 119 pages. LCCN 49-031523
Mathematische aufgaben der evangelischen und katholischen konkurs-prüfungen
Eugen Motz
Stuttgart, Stuttgart : 1904
Unknown binding. 61 pages. German. LCCN 09-020693
Mathematische Aufgabensammlung: Arithmetik, Algebra und Analysis
Fachbuch-verlag, Leipzig: 1961
Unknown binding. LCCN 62-000923
Mathematische Miniaturen
Heinrich Dorrie
M. Sändig, Wiesbaden: 1969
Unknown binding. 524 pages. German. LCCN 77-418882
Mathematische Unterhaltungen
Evgenii Borisovich Dynkin
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin: 1966
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 79-432840
Mathletics: Gold Medal Problems
Carole Greenes, Linda Schulman, Rika Spungin, Suzanne Chapin, and Carol Findell
Janson, Providence, RI: 1990
Paperback. 149 pages. ISBN 0-939765-31-4
Maths Sup & Spe: Geometrie cinematique
M. Serfati
Belin, Paris: 1995
Paperback. 292 pages. French. ISBN 2-7011-1798-4
Menu collection: problems adapted from Mathematics teaching in the middle..
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Columbus, OH: 2000
Hardcover. 92 pages. ISBN 0-87353-490-5 LCCN 00-045255
Methoden zur Lösung mathematischer Aufgaben: Hugo..
Jan Vysín
B. G. Teubner, Leipzig: 1972
Unknown binding. 146 pages. German. LCCN 73-341170
Méthodes et théories pour la résolution des problèmes de constructions
Julius Peterson
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1880
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 37-039368
Méthodes et théories pour la résolution des problèmes de constructions
Julius Peterson
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1901
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 04-003380
MŽtodos numŽricos. Gu’a de resoluci—n de problemas
A. A. Samarski, P. N. VabischŽvich, and E. A. Sam‡rskaya
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 240 pages. Spanish.
Mezhdunarodnye matematicheskie olimpiady; zadachi, resheniia, itogi
Elena Aleksandrovna Morozova
Prosveshchenie, Moscow: 1967
Unknown binding. 173 pages. unknown. LCCN 79-222066
Model answers in mathematics for A-level students
Joseph Gilford Sweetenham
Pergamon Press, Oxford: 1966
Hardcover. ISBN 0-08-013881-0 LCCN 65-028560
Model answers in pure mathematics for A-level students
Gerald Alfred Pratt
Unknown publisher, Oxford: 1966
Unknown binding. 103 pages. LCCN 66-016885
New series of The mathematical repository
Thomas Leybourn
W. Glendinning, London: 1806
Unknown binding. LCCN 38-013032
Nonroutine Problems: Doing Mathematics
Robert London
Janson, Providence, RI: 1989
Paperback. 60 pages. ISBN 0-939765-30-6
Numbers and shapes revisited: more problems for young mathematicians
Judita Cofman
Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1995
Hardcover. 308 pages. ISBN 0-19-853460-4 LCCN 94-027279
One hundred curious mathematical problems
William Richard Ransom
Unknown publisher, Portland, ME: 1955
Unknown binding. 212 pages. LCCN 55-003594
One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics
Hugo Steinhaus
Basic Books, New York: 1964
Hardcover. 174 pages. LCCN 63-022780
One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics
Hugo Steinhaus
Dover Publications, New York: 1979
Paperback. 174 pages. ISBN 0-486-23875-X LCCN 79-052010
One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics
Volume 7 of the series Popular Lectures in Mathematics
Hugo Steinhaus
Pergamon Press, Oxford: 1979
Hardcover. 174 pages.
Papers set at the examination for the certificate in education in December
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 1940
Unknown binding. LCCN 82-080205
Penguin Problems Book: a modern anthology of perplexities and tantalizers
W. T. Williams and G. H. Savage
Penguin Books, New York: 1940
Paperback. 156 pages.
Pr‡cticas para resolver problemas de matem‡ticas
V. A. Gusiev
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 248 pages. Spanish.
Prinzipien zur Lösung mathematischer Probleme
Josef Hermann Weinacht
F. Vieweg, Braunschweig: 1958
Unknown binding. 116 pages. unknown. LCCN 61-000021
Probabilités: exercices corrigés
Dariush Ghorbanzadeh
Technip, Paris: 1998
Hardcover. 270 pages. French. ISBN 2-7108-0747-5 LCCN 99-208835
Problem book in high-school mathematics
A. I. Prilepko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 280 pages.
Problem book of mathematics for technical colleges
O. N. Afanasyeva, Ya. S. Brodsky, I. I. Gutk‡n, and A. L. Pavlov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 240 pages.
Problem of the Week Contest Manual
David Rock and Doug Brumbaugh
Paragon Publications, City of publication unknown: 1997
Paperback. 45 pages. ISBN 0-9659710-1-5
Problem Omnibus
Hubert Phillips
Argo Publications, London: 1960
Hardcover. 302 pages.
Problem Parade
Dale Seymour
Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 1984
Paperback. 96 pages. ISBN 0-86651-206-3
Problemas de aritmética y álgebra,
Ernst Bardey
Unknown publisher, Barcelona: 1936
Unknown binding. Spanish. LCCN 45-048269
Problemas de contorno
F. D. G‡jov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 680 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de matem‡tica elemental
V. Lidsky, L. Ovsyannikov, A. Tulaikov, and M. Shabunin
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 384 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de matem‡ticas. Ecuaciones y desigualdades
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. Spanish.
Probleme compilate si rezolvate de geometrie si trigonometrie
Florentin Smarandache
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Catedra de Geometrie, Chisinau, Moldova: 1998
Unknown binding. 168 pages. unknown. LCCN 98-151248
Problèmes d'agrégation (mathématiques élémentaires)
Jean Dollon
Vuibert, Paris: 1931
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 31-022690
Problèmes de mathématiques
E. Azoulay
Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, Paris: 1967
Unknown binding. 315 pages. French. LCCN 68-101450
Problèmes de mathématiques
Daniel Dumas de Rauly
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1963
Unknown binding. 221 pages. French. LCCN 63-050817
Problèmes de mathématiques à l'usage des élèves de la classe de
Jean Taillé
Vuibert, Paris: 1966
Unknown binding. 360 pages. French. LCCN 68-096794
Problèmes et exercices, proposés aux élèves des cours préparatoires au
Unknown publisher, Paris: 1946
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 47-018963
Problems and exercises in algebra and geometry
Arthur Waldron Hale
D. C. Heath, Boston: 1916
Unknown binding. LCCN 16-010927
Problems and Exercises in Basic Mathematics
M. Philbrick Bridgess
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA: 1964
Paperback. 92 pages.
Problems and Solutions from The Mathematical Visitor 1877-1896
Volume 1 of the series Classic Problem Collections
Stanley Rabinowitz
MathPro Press, Westford, MA: 1996
Paperback. 258 pages. ISBN 0-9626401-5-8 LCCN 94-077754
Problems and solutions in mathematics
Chen Ji-Xiu, Jiang Guo-Ying, Pan Yang-Lian, Qin Tie-Hu, Tong Hu-Sun, Wu Quan-Shui, and Xu Sheng-Zhi
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1998
Paperback. 539 pages. ISBN 9810234805 LCCN 98-022020
Problems and solutions in mathematics
Chen Ji-Xiu, Jiang Guo-Ying, Pan Yang-Lian, Qin Tie-Hu, Tong Hu-Sun, Wu Quan-Shui, and Xu Sheng-Zhi
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1998
Hardcover. 539 pages. ISBN 9810234791 LCCN 98-022020
Problems for Mathematicians, Young and Old
Volume 12 of the series Dolciani mathematical expositions
Paul Richard Halmos
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1991
Paperback. 318 pages. ISBN 0-88385-320-5 LCCN 91-067386
Problems in Elementary Mathematics
V. Lidsky, L. Ovsyannikov, A. Tulaikov, and M. Shabunin
Mir, Moscow: 1973
Hardcover. 376 pages.
Problems in Higher Mathematics
V. P. Minorsky
Mir, Moscow: 1975
Hardcover. 395 pages.
Problems in junior mathematics
John G. Gilmartin
Newson & company, New York: 1939
Unknown binding. 192 pages. LCCN 39-004136
Problems in mathematics with hints and solutions
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 300 pages.
Problems in Modern Mathematics
Stanislaw M. Ulam
Wiley, City of publication unknown: 1964
Question time; an omnibus of problems for a brainy day
Hubert Phillips
J. M. Dent and sons, London: 1937
Unknown binding. LCCN 38-008453
Question time; an omnibus of problems for a brainy day
Hubert Phillips
Farrar & Rinehart, New York: 1938
Unknown binding. LCCN 38-005540
Questions and problems in high-school mathematics
L. A. Kondratyeva and V. S. Solomonik
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 270 pages.
Questions d'arithmétique
Boleslas Niewenglowski
Vuibert, Paris: 1927
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 28-010972
Rechenbuch für Bergvorschulen, im Auftrage der westfälischen
Wilhelm Nattkemper
Glückauf, Essen: 1946
Unknown binding. 250 pages. German. LCCN 48-005235
Recreations mathematiques et physiques, qui contiennent plusieurs problêmes
Jacques Ozanam
J. Jombert, Paris: 1694
Unknown binding. LCCN 76-472932
Recueil de problèmes tirés des compositions données à la Sorbonne de 1853 à
Adolphe Paul Lonchampt
Chez l'auteur, Paris: 1863
Unknown binding. 208 pages. French. LCCN 34-030266
Reseni in nereseni problemi matematike
Ivan Vidav
Mladinska knjiga Drustvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov SRS, Ljubljana: 1972
Unknown binding. unknown. LCCN 72-971605
Resultate nebst winken zu deren auffindung zu den 3200 arithmetischen und
Philipp Spiller
E. S. Mittler, Berlin: 1850
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 03-008801
Sammlung geometrischer aufgaben
Meyer Hirsch
H. Frölich, Berlin: 1805
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 36-021573
Second Penguin Problems Book
W. T. Williams and G. H. Savage
Penguin Books, New York: 1944
Paperback. 160 pages.
Select and miscellaneous problems
James C. Eaton
Unknown publisher, Jerusalem: 1904
Unknown binding. 110 pages. LCCN 04-025378
Select exercises for young proficients in the mathematics
Thomas Simpson
F. Wingrave, London: 1810
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-007208
Selected Problems and Theorems in Elementary Mathematics
David Oskarovich Shklyarsky, N. N. Chentsov, and I. M. Yaglom
Mir, Moscow: 1979
Unknown binding. ISBN 1124080155
Sélection de problèmes de mathématiques appliquées
Arnold Kaufmann
B. Arthaud, Paris: 1952
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 55-017841
Solutions des exercices proposés dans les éléments de mathématiques
Henri Gustave Vogt
Vuibert, Paris: 1926
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 26-010325
Solutions des exercises complementaires proposés dans les Éléments de
Henri Gustave Vogt
Vuibert, Paris: 1925
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 26-004445
Solutions développées de 300 problèmes qui ont été proposés dans les
Ignace-Louis-Alfred Le Cointe
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1865
Unknown binding. 376 pages. French. LCCN 33-028303
Solutions of Goodwin's Collection of Problems and Examples
William Wayman Hutt
Deighton, Cambridge: 1849
Unknown binding. 204 pages.
Solutions of GoodwinÕs Collection of Problems and Examples
William Wayman Hutt
Deighton, Cambridge: 1863
Unknown binding. 272 pages. LCCN 85-666936
Solutions of GoodwinÕs Collection of Problems and Examples
William Wayman Hutt
Deighton, Cambridge: 1903
Unknown binding. 204 pages. LCCN 03-007228
Solved problems
Macmillan, New York: 1963
Hardcover. 410 pages. LCCN 63-010903
Some Exercises in Pure Mathematics with Expository Comments
Jeffrey Dennis Weston and H. J. Goodwin
Cambridge University Press, London: 1968
Hardcover. 136 pages. ISBN 0-521-09561-1 LCCN 68-026989
Österreichische Mathematik-Olympiaden, 1970-1989: Aufgaben und Lösungen /..
Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck: 1990
Hardcover. 285 pages. German. ISBN 3-7030-0227-1 LCCN 91-114049
Student uppgifter i matematik på reallinjen; specialkurs, skrivningarna
Baltzar Wahlström
Svenska bokförlaget, Stockholm: 1953
Unknown binding. 35 pages. unknown. LCCN 65-030059
Supplementary problems in algebra
Herbert L. Sackett and Mary Fitzgerald
Macmillan, New York: 1928
Unknown binding. 110 pages. LCCN 28-003442
The Blundon Lecture: 1982-1997
Rolf Turner
Dept of Math and Statistics, New Brunswick: 1997
Paperback. 155 pages.
The Green Book: 100 Practice Problems for Undergraduate Mathematics Competitions
Kenneth Hardy and Kenneth S. Williams
Integer Press, City of publication unknown: 1985
Paperback. ISBN 0-9692193-0-X
The Green Book of Mathematical Problems
Kenneth Hardy and Kenneth S. Williams
Dover Publications, Mineola, NY: 1997
Paperback. 173 pages. ISBN 0-486-69573-5 LCCN 96-047817
The Inquisitive Problem Solver
A volume in the series MAA Problem Books
Paul Vaderlind, Richard K. Guy, and Loren C. Larson
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 2002
Hardcover. 327 pages. ISBN 0-88385-806-1 LCCN 2001-097391
The mathematical questions proposed in the Ladies' diary
Thomas Leybourn
J. Mawman, London: 1903
Unknown binding. LCCN 03-007232
The mathematical repository
Thomas Leybourn
W. Glendinning, London: 1799
Unknown binding. LCCN 38-013033
The problem of problem-solving in mathematical instruction
Aaron Bakst
New York University, New York: 1950
Unknown binding. LCCN 50-013399
The Red Book: 100 Practice Problems for Undergraduate Mathematics Competitions
Kenneth S. Williams
Integer Press, City of publication unknown: 1988
Paperback. ISBN 0-9692193-1-8
The Red Book of Mathematical Problems
Kenneth S. Williams and Kenneth Hardy
Dover Publications, Mineola, NY: 1998
Paperback. 174 pages. ISBN 0-486-69415-1 LCCN 96-043820
The solutions of geometrical problems, consisting chiefly of examples in
Thomas Gaskin
Deighton, Cambridge: 1904
Unknown binding. 263 pages. LCCN 04-009775
The Week-end Problem Book
Hubert Phillips
The Nonesuch Press, Bloomsbury: 1932
Hardcover. 336 pages.
The Wohascum County Problem Book
Volume 14 of the series Dolciani mathematical expositions
George Thomas Gilbert, Mark Krusemeyer, and Loren C. Larson
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1993
Hardcover. 233 pages. ISBN 0-88385-316-7 LCCN 91-061586
Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics
A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
Bernard R. Gelbaum
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1990
Hardcover. 305 pages. ISBN 0-387-97342-7 LCCN 90-009899
Third Penguin Problems Book
W. T. Williams and G. H. Savage
Penguin Books, New York: 1946
Paperback. 150 pages.
Towing Icebergs,Falling Dominos: and other adventures in mathematics
Robert B. Banks
Princeton, Princeton: 1998
Hardcover. 328 pages. ISBN 0-69105948-9
Vom lachenden Denken; ein Buch von Wundern und Problemen
Theodor Wolff
A. Scherl G.m.b.H., Berlin: 1931
Unknown binding. German. LCCN 32-009260
Which way did the bicycle go?: and other intriguing mathematical mysteries
Volume 18 of the series Dolciani mathematical expositions
Joseph D. E. Konhauser
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1996
Paperback. 235 pages. ISBN 0-88385-325-6 LCCN 95-081495
Winning Solutions
Edward Lozansky and Cecil Rousseau
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1996
Paperback. 244 pages. LCCN 96-13583
Wiskundige vraagstukken, ontleend aan de propaedeutische examens van de
Oene Bottema
Delftsche Uitg., Delft: 1949
Unknown binding. 240 pages. Dutch. LCCN 51-034613
Wiskunstige opgaven met hare ontbindingen, uitgegeven door de leden van het
H. W. Weytingh, Amsterdam: 1859
Unknown binding. 476 pages. Dutch. LCCN 03-026466
Wiskunstige verlustiging, in eene aaneenschakeling van uitgeleezene
Gedrukt voor rekening van't Genootschap, Amsterdam: 1793
Unknown binding. Dutch. LCCN 03-025117