Higher Algebra Problems

A Hilbert Space Problem Book
    Volume 19 of the series Graduate texts in mathematics
    Paul Richard Halmos
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1982
    Hardcover. 369 pages.    ISBN 0-387-90685-1     LCCN 82-000763

Algebra lineal: preguntas y problemas
    N. Ch. Krutiskaya and A. A. Shishkin
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 160 pages. Spanish.    

çlgebra lineal. Preguntas y problemas
    N. Ch. Krutiskaya and A. A. Shishkin
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. 160 pages. Spanish.    

An Introduction to Hilbert Space and Quantum Logic
    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    David W. Cohen
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1989
    Hardcover. 149 pages.    ISBN 0-387-96870-9    

Aufgaben und Lösungen zur linearen Algebra und analytischen Geometrie
    Josef Heinhold
    Hanser, Munich: 1970
    Unknown binding. German.     LCCN 74-580474

Aufgabensammlung zur höheren algebra
    Helmut Hasse
    Leipzig, Berlin: 1935
    Unknown binding. 175 pages. German.     LCCN 35-014279

Exercises in Basic Ring Theory
    Grigore Calugareanu and Peter Hamburg
    Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht: 1998
    Hardcover. 198 pages.    ISBN 0-7923-4918-0     LCCN 97-046746

Exercises to Higher algebra
    Helmut Hasse and Walter Klobe
    F. Ungar, New York: 1954
    Unknown binding. 212 pages.     LCCN 54-007571

Grupos y algebras de Lie en ejercicios y problemas
    B. N. Shapukov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. 208 pages. Spanish.    

Linear Algebra
    Khakim Dadadzhanovich Ikramov
    Mir, Moscow: 1983
    Unknown binding. 327 pages.     LCCN 84-251515

Linear Algebra: Challenging problems for students
    A volume in the series Johns Hopkins studies in the mathematical sciences
    Fuzhen Zhang
    Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore: 1996
    Hardcover. 174 pages.    ISBN 0-8018-5459-8     LCCN 96-012568

Linear Algebra
    Fuzhen Zhang
    Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore: 1996
    Paperback. 174 pages.    ISBN 0-8018-5458-X     LCCN 96-012568

Linear Algebra Problem Book
    Volume 16 of the series Dolciani mathematical expositions
    Paul Richard Halmos
    Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC: 1995
    Paperback. 336 pages.    ISBN 0-88385-322-1     LCCN 94-079588

Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions
    David A. Harville
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 2001
    Paperback. 296 pages.    ISBN 0-387-95318-3     LCCN 2001-032838

Practice Problems in Number Systems, Logic, and Boolean Algebra
    Ed Bukstein
    S Soft Cover., City of publication unknown: 1967

Problem book: algebra and elementary functions
    A. Kutepov and A. Rubanov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 440 pages.    

Problemas de ‡lgebra lineal
    H. Ikramov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 300 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de algebra lineal
    I. V. Proskuryakov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 360 pages. Spanish.    

Problemas de algebra superior
    D. FaddŽev and I. Sominski
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 280 pages. Spanish.    

Problems and Theorems in Linear Algebra
    Volume 134 of the series Translations of Mathematical Monographs
    Viktor Vasil§evich Prasolov
    American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 1994
    Hardcover. 225 pages.    ISBN 0-8218-0236-4     LCCN 94-013332

Problems in Group Theory
    John D Dixon
    Blaisdell, City of publication unknown: 1967
    Unknown binding.    ISBN 111434561X    

Problems in Group Theory
    John D. Dixon
    Dover Publications, New York: 1973
    Hardcover. 176 pages.    ISBN 0-486-61574-X     LCCN 73-076597

Problems in higher algebra
    Dmitrii Konstantinovich Faddeev and I. S. Sominskii
    W. H. Freeman, San Francisco: 1965
    Unknown binding. 498 pages.     LCCN 65-018946

Problems in Higher Algebra
    Dmitrii Konstantinovich Faddeev and I. Sominsky
    Mir, Moscow: 1972
    Unknown binding. 316 pages.     LCCN 74-164076

Problems in Linear Algebra
    I. V. Proskuryakov
    Mir, Moscow: 1978
    Hardcover. 453 pages.    

Problems in Linear and Nonlinear Programming
    S. Vajda
    Oxford University Press, City of publication unknown: 1997
    Hardcover. 258 pages.    ISBN 0-19-520590-1    

Recueil d'exercices d'algebre supŽrieure
    D. FaddŽev and I. Sominski
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 292 pages. French.    

Recueil d'exercices d'algebre superieure
    D. K. Faddeev, M. S. Nikulin, and I. F. Sokolovsky
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 300 pages. French.    

Recueil de probl`emes d'alg`ebre linŽaire
    I. V. Proskuryakov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 300 pages. French.    

Recueil de problŹmes d'algebre linŽaire
    H. Ikramov
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Hardcover. 324 pages. Spanish.    

Vector algebra: worked examples with elements of theory
    P. Gusyatnikov and S. Reznichenko
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. 288 pages.