A collection of problems on the equations of mathematical physics
A. V. Bitsadze and D. F. Kalinichenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 336 pages.
A collection of problems on the equations of mathematical physics
V. S. Vladimirov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 288 pages. ISBN 3-540-16647-5
Collection of Problems on the Equations of Mathematical Physics
A. V. Bitsadze and D. F. Kalinichenko
Mir, City of publication unknown: 1980
Hardcover. ISBN 0-8285-1779-7
Demography Through Problems
A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
Nathan Keyfitz
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1984
Hardcover. 141 pages. ISBN 0-387-90836-6 LCCN 83-006775
Problemas de ecuaciones de la f’sica matemˆtica
M. M. Smirnov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 168 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de la f’sica matem‡tica. En 2 tomos
Boris Mikhaæilovich Budak, A. A. Samarskii, and A. N. Tikhonov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 744 pages. Spanish.
Problèmes de mathématiques et de physique, P.C.E.M., P.C.E.B.H
René Dupeyrat
Dunod, Paris: 1970
Unknown binding. 198 pages. French. LCCN 74-559693
Problmes mathŽmatiques d'analyse des systmes
N. Moisseev
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 470 pages. French.
Problems and solutions in mathematical physics
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat
Holden-Day, San Francisco: 1967
Unknown binding. LCCN 66-017892
Problems and solutions in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
Anton Z. Capri
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2002
Hardcover. 492 pages. ISBN 9810246331 LCCN 2002-029614
Problems and solutions in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
Anton Z. Capri
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2002
Paperback. 492 pages. ISBN 9810246501 LCCN 2002-029614
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Advanced Level
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1996
Hardcover. 240 pages. ISBN 9810229429 LCCN 96-210472
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Advanced Level
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1996
Paperback. 240 pages. ISBN 9810229445
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Introductory Level
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1996
Paperback. 240 pages. ISBN 9810229437
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Introductory Level, 2nd edition
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2003
Hardcover. 213 pages. ISBN 9812389903 LCCN 20-03269717
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Introductory Level, 2nd edition
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2003
Paperback. 224 pages. ISBN 981238989X LCCN 20-03269717
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Advanced Level, 2nd edition
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2003
Paperback. 362 pages. ISBN 9812389873
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: Advanced Level, 2nd edition
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 2003
Hardcover. 362 pages. ISBN 9812389881
Problems and Solutions in Theoretical and Mathematical pPhysics: Introductory Level
Willi-Hans Steeb
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1996
Hardcover. 240 pages. ISBN 9810229410 LCCN 96-210472
Problems in Applied Mathematics: Selections from SIAM Review
Murray S. Klamkin
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia: 1990
Hardcover. 588 pages. ISBN 0-89871-259-9 LCCN 90-049670
Selected problems in theoretical physics (with solutions)
Adriano Di Giacomo, G. Paffuti, and P. Rossi
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1994
Paperback. 398 pages. ISBN 9810216157 LCCN 94-209455
Selected problems in theoretical physics (with solutions)
Adriano Di Giacomo, G. Paffuti, and P. Rossi
World Scientific, River Edge, NJ: 1994
Hardcover. 398 pages. ISBN 9810216149 LCCN 94-209455
Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles, and further adventures in applied mathematics
Robert Banks
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ: 1999
Hardcover. 286 pages. ISBN 0-691-05947-0 LCCN 98-053513
Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics
Nikolaæi Nikolaevich Lebedev, I. P. Skalskaya, and Y. S. Uflyand
Dover Publications, New York: 1979
Hardcover. 429 pages. ISBN 0-486-63730-1 LCCN 78-067857