A Book of Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: 1971
Paperback. 336 pages. ISBN 1114591211
A Collection of Problems on Complex Analysis
Lev Izrailevich Volkovyskii
Dover Publications, New York: 1991
Hardcover. 426 pages. ISBN 0-486-66913-0 LCCN 91-040596
A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis
G. N. Berman
Mir, Moscow: 1977
Hardcover. 462 pages.
Algebra and analysis. Problems and solutions
Guy René Lefort
North-Holland, Amsterdam: 1966
Unknown binding. 590 pages. LCCN 67-083380
Algebra and analysis. Problems and solutions
Guy René Lefort
Saunders, Philadelphia: 1966
Unknown binding. 590 pages. LCCN 66-023603
Algèbre et analyse
Guy René Lefort
Dunod, Paris: 1961
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 64-046272
Calculus Problems and Solutions
A. Ginzburg
Dover Publications, City of publication unknown: 2003
Paperback. 480 pages. ISBN 0-486-43277-7
Collection of Problems on Complex Analysis
Lev Izrailevich Volkovyskii
Pergamon Press, City of publication unknown: 1965
Unknown binding. ISBN 1114553220
Differential and Integral Equations Through Practical Problems and Exercises: A Graduate-Level Book, Vol.)
Gheorghe Micula and Paraschiva Pavel
Kluwer Print on Demand, City of publication unknown: 1992
Hardcover. 395 pages. ISBN 0-7923-1890-0
Esercizi e problemi di analisi matem‡tica
B. P. Demidovic
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 400 pages. Italian.
Exercices d'algèbre et analyse
Guy René Lefort
Dunod, Paris: 1968
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 68-088826
Exercices dÕAnalyse, 3rd edition
Jacques Rivaud
Vuibert, Paris: 1963
Paperback. 228 pages. French.
Exercices d'Analyse, 4th edition
Jacques Rivaud
Vuibert, Paris: 1978
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 78-578507
Exercices d'analyse à l'usage des candidats aux grandes écoles: programmes A, Ë, B, C, aux Žcoles normales supŽrieures, aux examens de M.P., de P.C. et de la licence de mathŽmatiques , 7th edition
Jacques Rivaud
Vuibert, Paris: 1970
Unknown binding. French. LCCN 75-578509
Exercices et Problèmes d'intégration
Claude George
Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1980
Hardcover. French. ISBN 2-04-011246-4
Exercises de mathématiques spéciales, tome 2: topologie, analyse
Bernard Gostiaux
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris: 1997
Paperback. 305 pages. French. ISBN 2-13-048728-9
Exercises in Fourier Analysis
T. W. Körner
Cambridge University Press, City of publication unknown: 1993
Paperback. ISBN 0-521-43849-7
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3: 199 research problems
Viktor Petrovich Khavin and Nikolai Kapitonovich Nikol«skii
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1984
Paperback. 719 pages. ISBN 0-387-12869-7 LCCN 83-020344
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3, part 1
Viktor Petrovich Khavin and Nikolai Kapitonovich Nikol«skii
Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1994
Hardcover. ISBN 0-387-57870-6 LCCN 94-009649
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3, part 2
Viktor Petrovich Khavin and Nikolai Kapitonovich Nikol«skii
Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1994
Hardcover. ISBN 0-387-57870-6 LCCN 94-009649
Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3, part 2
Volume 1574 of the series Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Viktor Petrovich Khavin and Nikolai Kapitonovich Nikol«skii
Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1994
Paperback. ISBN 0-387-57871-4
Mathematical analysis in questions and problems
V. F. Butuzov, N. Ch. Krutitskaya, G. N. Medvedev, and A. A. Shiskin
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 272 pages.
Mathematical analysis in questions and problems: Functions of several variables
V. F. Butuzov, N. Ch. Krutitskaya, G. N. Medvedev, and A. A. Shiskin
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 392 pages.
Problem Book in the Theory of Functions
Konrad Knopp
Dover Publications, New York: 1948
Paperback. 126 pages.
Problemas de an‡lisis matem‡tico. Integrales y series
L. D. Kudri‡vtsev, A. D. Kutasov, V. I. ChejIov, and M. I. Shabunin
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. Spanish.
Problemas de an‡lisis matem‡tico. L’mites, continuidad y derivadas
L. D. Kudri‡vtsev, A. D. Kutasov, V. I. ChejIov, and M. I. Shabunin
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 640 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 226 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 258 pages. Spanish.
Problemas de matem‡ticas. Principios del an‡lisis
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. Spanish.
Problemas e exerc’cios de an‡lise matem‡tica
G. Baranenkov, B. P. Demidovic, and V. Efimenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 490 pages. Portuguese.
Problemas sobre la teor’a de funciones de variable compleja
L. I. Volkovyski, G. L. Lunts, and I. G. Aramanovich
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 328 pages. Spanish.
Problemas y ejercicios de an‡lisis funcional
V. A. Trenoguin, B. M. Pisarievski, and T. S. S—boleva
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 272 pages. Spanish.
Problemas y ejercicios de an‡lisis matematico
G. Baranenkov, B. Demidovich, and V. Efimenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 522 pages. Spanish.
Problmes d'analyse mathŽmatique
G. Berman
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 432 pages. French.
Problmes et exercices d'analyse fonctionnelle
V. A. Trenoguin, B. M. Pisarievski, and T. S. S—boleva
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 246 pages. French.
Problemi di analise matematico
B. P. Demidovic
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 400 pages. Italian.
Problems and exercises in integral equations
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 218 pages.
Problems and exercises in the calculus of variations
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Paperback. 224 pages.
Problems and Propositions in Analysis
Volume 49 of the series Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics
Gabriel Klambauer
Marcel Dekker, New York: 1979
Hardcover. 456 pages. ISBN 0-8247-6887-6 LCCN 79-015854
Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis
Rami Shakarchi
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1999
Hardcover. 246 pages. ISBN 0-387-98831-9 LCCN 99-013255
Problems and Theorems in Analysis I
Volume 216 of the series Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen
George Polya and G. C. Szego
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1976
Hardcover. ISBN 0-387-05672-6 LCCN 75-189312
Problems and Theorems in Analysis II
Volume 193 of the series Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen
George Polya and G. C. Szego
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1976
Hardcover. 400 pages. ISBN 0-387-06972-0
Problems and Theorems in Analysis II: Theory of Functions, Zeros, Polynomials, Determinants, Number Theory, Geometry
George Polya and Gabor Szego
Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1998
Paperback. 391 pages. ISBN 3-540-63686-2 LCCN 97-047108
Problems in Calculus of One Variable with elements of theory
I. A. Maron
Mir, Moscow: 1975
Hardcover. 453 pages.
Problems in complex variable theory
Jan G. Krzyz
Unknown publisher, New York: 1971
Hardcover. 283 pages. ISBN 0-444-00098-4 LCCN 70153071
Problems in mathematical analysis
G. Baranenkov, B. Demidovich, and V. Efimenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 498 pages.
Problems in Mathematical Analysis
Volume 132 of the series Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics
Piotr Biler and Alfred Witkowski
Marcel Dekker, New York: 1990
Hardcover. 227 pages. ISBN 0-8247-8312-3 LCCN 89-025685
Problems in mathematical analysis
B. P. Demidovic
Peace Publishers, Moscow: 1964
Unknown binding. 496 pages. LCCN 72-225531
Problems in Mathematical Analysis I: Real Numbers, Sequences and Series
Volume 4 of the series Student Mathematical Library
Wieslawa J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 2000
Paperback. 384 pages. ISBN 0-8218-2050-8 LCCN 99-087039
Problems in Mathematical Analysis II: Continuity and Differentiation
Volume 12 of the series Student Mathematical Library
Wieslawa J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 2001
Paperback. 398 pages. ISBN 0-8218-2051-6
Problems in Mathematical Analysis III: Integration
Volume 21 of the series Student Mathematical Library
Wieslawa J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 2003
Paperback. 368 pages. ISBN 0-8218-3298-0
Problems in Real Analysis: A Workbook with Solutions
Charalambos D. Aliprantis
Academic Press, San Diego: 1999
Hardcover. 403 pages. ISBN 0-12-050253-4 LCCN 99-176757
Problems in Real and Complex Analysis
A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
Bernard R. Gelbaum
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1992
Hardcover. 488 pages. ISBN 0-387-97766-X LCCN 91-043908
Problems in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
Lev Izrailevich Volkovyskii, G. L. Lunts, and I. G. Aramanovich
Mir, Moscow: 1977
Recueil d'exercices et de problmes d'analyse mathŽmatique
G. Baranenkov, R. Chostak, and B. DŽmidovitch
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 564 pages. French.
Recueil de problmes d'Žquations diffŽrentielles
A. Philippov
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 140 pages. French.
Recueil de problmes sur la thŽorie des fonctions analytiques
M. Evgrafov, K. Bjanov, Y. Sidorov, M. FŽdoruk, and Chabounine M.
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. French.
Recueil de problmes sur les Žquations diffŽrentielles ordinaires
M. L. Krasnov, A. I. Kiseliov, and G. I. Makarenko
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 290 pages. French.
Research Problems in Function Theory
W. K. Hayman
Athlone Press, City of publication unknown: 1967
Unknown binding. ISBN 1114570931
Selected Problems in Real Analysis
Volume 107 of the series Translations of Mathematical Monographs
M. G. Goluzina, A. A. Lodkin, A. N. Podkorytov, and B. M. Makarov
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI: 1992
Hardcover. 370 pages. ISBN 0-8218-4559-4 LCCN 92-015594
Solved problems in analysis, as applied to gamma, beta, Legendre
Dover Publications, New York: 1971
Hardcover. 410 pages. ISBN 0-486-62713-6 LCCN 70-139975
ThŽormes et problemes d'analyse fonctionnelle
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kirillov and A. Gvichiani
Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
Hardcover. 328 pages. French.
Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis
A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kirillov
Springer-Verlag, New York: 1982
Hardcover. 347 pages. ISBN 0-387-90638-X LCCN 81-023348