Algebra Problems

A collection of algebraic problems and examples, for the use of colleges
    Elisha Scott Loomis
    Harper & brothers, New York: 1878
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-024672

A Problem Book in Algebra
    V. A. Krechmar
    Mir, Moscow: 1974
    Hardcover. 504 pages.    

Abstract Algebra Manual: Problems and Solutions
    Ayman Badawi
    Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, NY: 2001
    Hardcover. 109 pages.    ISBN 1-56072-834-5     LCCN 2001-031272

Algebra and Elementary Functions
    A. Kutepov and A. Rubanov
    Mir, Moscow: 1978
    Hardcover. 459 pages.    

Algebra examination papers for admission to Harvard, Yale, Amherst
    William Frothingham Bradbury
    Thompson, Brown, Boston: 1889
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-024660

Algebra Poblems
    Howard Calvin Feemster
    Edwards brothers, Ann Arbor, MI: 1938
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 43-028933

Algebra Problems
    Donald S. Russell
    Barnes & Noble, New York: 1963

Algebra Problems
    Donald S. Russell
    Barnes & Noble, New York: 1968
    Unknown binding. 201 pages.     LCCN 67-016624

Algebra Problems: One Step Beyond
    Reuben Schadler
    Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 1997
    Paperback. 208 pages.    ISBN 0-86651-545-3    

Algebra Through Practice: Volume 3, Groups, Rings and Fields : A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions
    T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson
    Cambridge University Press, City of publication unknown: 1984
    Paperback.    ISBN 0-521-27288-2    

Algebra Through Practice: Volume 5, Groups : A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions
    T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson
    Cambridge University Press, City of publication unknown: 1985
    Paperback.    ISBN 0-521-27290-4    

Algebra Through Practice: Volume 6, Rings, Fields and Modules : A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions
    T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson
    Cambridge University Press, City of publication unknown: 1985
    Paperback. 112 pages.    ISBN 0-521-27291-2    

Algebra Through Practice: Volume 2, Matrices and Vector Spaces : A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions
    T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson
    Cambridge University Press, City of publication unknown: 2003
    Paperback. 112 pages.    ISBN 0-521-27286-6    

Algebra Through Practice: Volume 1, Sets, Relations and Mappings : A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions
    Thomas Scott Blyth and E. F. Robertson
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 1984
    Paperback.    ISBN 0-521-27285-8     LCCN 83-024013

Algebra Through Practice
    Thomas Scott Blyth
    Cambridge University Press, New York: 1985
    Hardcover. 100 pages.    ISBN 0-521-25301-2     LCCN 84-007060

Algebra through problem solving
    Abraham P. Hillman and Gerald L. Alexanderson
    Allyn and Bacon, Boston: 1966
    Unknown binding. 129 pages.     LCCN 66-016281

Algebraical exercises
    Charles Alfred Jones
    Macmillan, London: 1896
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-019006

Algebraical exercises progressively arranged
    Charles Alfred Jones
    Macmillan, London: 1869
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 35-024455

Algebraical problems
    Miles Bland
    Pitt press, Cambridge: 1837
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 03-024659

Algèbre: Exercises avec solutions
    E. Ramis
    Masson, Paris: 1988
    Hardcover. 194 pages. French.    ISBN 2-225-81314-0     LCCN 89-219261

An exercise book in algebra
    Matthew Scoby McCurdy
    Leach, Boston: 1894
    Unknown binding. 56 pages.     LCCN 03-024673

An exercise book in algebra
    Matthew Scoby McCurdy
    D. C. Heath, Boston: 1909
    Unknown binding. 182 pages.     LCCN 31-008255

Challenging Problems in Algebra
    Alfred S. Posamentier
    Dale Seymour, City of publication unknown: 1988
    Paperback.    ISBN 0-86651-427-9    

Equations and Inequalities: elementary problems and theorems in algebra..
    A volume in the series CMS Books in Mathematics Series
    Jirí Herman, Radan Kucera, and Jaromir Simsa
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 2000
    Hardcover. 344 pages.    ISBN 0-387-98942-0     LCCN 99-047384

Examination exercises in algebra
    Irving O. Scott
    Allyn and Bacon, Boston: 1919
    Unknown binding. 276 pages.     LCCN 19-015858

Exercices DÕalgebre: solutions des exercices et problemes
    E. Anzemberger
    Masson et Cie, Paris: 1924
    Hardcover. 194 pages. French.    

Exercices dÕAlgebre
    V. Herbiet
    Wesmael-Charlier, Namur: 1938
    Paperback. 283 pages. French.    

Exercices d'algèbre avec solutions développées
    E. Ramis
    Masson, Paris: 1974
    Hardcover. 324 pages. French.    ISBN 2-225-72919-0     LCCN 74-081502

Exercices et problèmes résolus d'algèbre
    Lucien Chambadal
    Gauthier-Villars, Paris: 1972
    Unknown binding. 213 pages. French.     LCCN 74-327776

Exercise book in algebra
    Oswald Tower
    D. C. Heath, Boston: 1922
    Unknown binding. 180 pages.     LCCN 22-015704

Exercises de mathématiques spéciales, tome 1: Algbre
    Bernard Gostiaux
    Presses Universitaires de France, Paris: 1997
    Paperback. 248 pages. French.    ISBN 2-13-048727-0    

Exercises in algebra
    George Edward Atwood
    The Morse company, New York: 1898
    Unknown binding. 235 pages.     LCCN 98-000436

Exercises in Algebra: A Collection of Exercises in Algebra, Linear Algebra and Geometry
    A. I. Kostrikin and V. A. Artamonov
    Gordon and Breach, Luxembourg: 1996
    Hardcover. 464 pages.    ISBN 2-88449-029-9     LCCN 99-458415

Exercises in Algebra: A Collection of Exercises in Algebra, Linear Algebra and Geometry
    A. I. Kostrikin and V. A. Artamonov
    Taylor & Francis, Luxembourg: 1996
    Paperback. 480 pages.    ISBN 2-88449-030-2     LCCN 99-458415

Exercises in algebra
    James Hamblin Smith
    Rivingtons, London: 1871
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 33-035765

Exercises in algebra
    George Albert Wentworth
    Ginn, Boston: 1885
    Unknown binding.     LCCN 33-030324

Key to Robinson's New elementary algebra
    Horatio Nelson Robinson
    Unknown publisher, New York: 1860
    Unknown binding. 296 pages.     LCCN 03-000774

Key to Robinson's New elementary algebra, for teachers and private learners
    Horatio Nelson Robinson
    Ivison, New York: 1889
    Unknown binding. 240 pages.     LCCN 03-000779

Mathematics Problems: Algebra
    V. V. Vavilov, I. I. Melnikov, S. N. Olekhnik, and P. I. Pasichenko
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown

Mathematics Problems: Equations and Inequalities
    V. V. Vavilov, I. I. Melnikov, S. N. Olekhnik, and P. I. Pasichenko
    Mir, Moscow: 1990
    Hardcover. 453 pages.    ISBN 5-03-001401-2    

    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Edward J. Barbeau
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1989
    Hardcover. 441 pages.    ISBN 0-387-96919-5     LCCN 88-039062

Polynomials, corrected edition
    A volume in the series Problem Books in Mathematics
    Edward J. Barbeau
    Springer-Verlag, New York: 1995
    Hardcover. 455 pages.    ISBN 0-387-96919-5     LCCN 96-103251

Problemas de matem‡ticas. çlgebra
    Mir, Moscow: date of publication unknown
    Paperback. Spanish.    

Problems and questions on algebra, elementary, intermediate, advanced
    Franklin Turner Jones
    Unknown publisher, Cleveland: 1924
    Unknown binding. 87 pages.     LCCN 24-022929

Problems in elementary algebra
    Mona Dell Taylor
    Unknown publisher, Chicago: 1925
    Unknown binding. 153 pages.     LCCN 25-000956

Solutions of the Examples in Elementary Algebra for Schools
    Henry Sinclair Hall and Samuel Ratcliff Knight
    Macmillan, London: 1906
    Unknown binding. 435 pages.    

Solutions of the Examples in Elementary Algebra for Schools
    Henry Sinclair Hall and Samuel Ratcliff Knight
    Elibron, Chestnut Hill, MA: 2002
    Paperback. 435 pages.    

The Algebra 1 Handbook: 1000 Problems Solved Simply and Clearly
    Alice M. Martin and James Martin
    Four Seasons Press, City of publication unknown: 1995
    Paperback. 200 pages.    ISBN 0-9642188-8-7