by George Lenchner
2nd edition (revised and enlarged)
Teaching Problem-Solving? This textbook for teachers can help you. It uses about 400 challenging nonroutine problems to extend elementary and middle school mathematics into such topics as sequences, series, principles of divisibility, geometric configurations, and logic.
The book is organized into 7 sections: (A) Teaching Problem Solving; (B) Some Problem Solving Strategies; (C) Some Topics in Problem Solving; (D & E) Solutions to Parts A,B, and C; (F & G) Appendices and Index.
Excerpts from the book (tbs)
Table of Contents
Sample page of problems (pdf)
Sample page of solutions (pdf)
2005 $35.99 384 pages paperback 8 1/4" x 10 3/4"
ISBN 1-882144-10-4
LCCN 2005-927296 publisher: MOEMS
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What the reviewers say
from: The Arithmetic Teacher, March, 1984
"This is an excellent professional resource book for teachers of elementary school mathematics. The organization and quality of materials are outstanding!"
Wilbur H. Dutton from Curriculum Review, February, 1984
"The solutions to these problems are more than routine answers, they give detailed explanations and helpful suggestions for each problem set."
"This carefully prepared and mathematically sound resource book should stimulate teachers interest in problem solving and encourage them to approach problem solving as a creative aspect of mathematics teaching."
Florence Shapiro from the moems web site
"Your enthusiasm and love for mathematics jump out of every page."
Rachel C. Hopkins from the moems web site
"Your book, Creative Problem Solving in School Mathematics, is the best Ive seen for upper elementary grades."