ARML-NYSML Contests 1989-1994

Authors' Preface

Since its inception in 1976, ARML has grown from a regional competition involving about a dozen teams to a national event. It now draws over one hundred teams from the United States and Canada, and even entertained a visiting team from Russia. It has received support from the Mathematical Association of America, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mu Alpha Theta, and the National Council of Supervisors, as well as generous corporate support from Texas Instruments, Casio, and the Exxon Educational Foundation.

The highlight of the ARML weekend is the contest itself, eagerly anticipated by the students, teachers, and guests who gather for the world's largest on-site mathematics competition. ARML is currently run at two sites simultaneously, and will soon expand to others across the country.

As ARML expands, so does the opportunity for talented young people and dedicated teachers to come together to meet, compete, socialize, and receive the recognition they so justly deserve. New friendships are made, old friendships are renewed, traditions are established, and high spirits abound. The weekend also serves as a springboard for investigation and creative thinking that is inspired by the contest problems, by guest lecturers, and by the exchange of ideas.

This book contains the ARML contests from 1989 to 1994, the NYSML contests from 1989 to 1992, and the complete set of tie-breaker questions from 1983 to 1994. This group of contests is the last of the competitions that we authored since we became principal problems writers in 1983.

Many people have contributed to the quality and success of these contests, and we wish to express to them a debt of gratitude. Harry Ruderman was a friend and colleague who was always there to assist and inspire. He served as chief reviewer of the problems and contributed many original ideas that figured prominently in power questions. His sense of judgment and keen insights were always refreshing and revealing.

Since 1983, Professor Eugene Levine has also served as question reviewer. He too has offered valuable comments and suggestions. Our reviewing committee has also included Professors Niel Shell and Scott Hochwald, and we express out thanks to them. We wish to extend our appreciation to Bruce Beckett who, over a two year period, contributed some outstanding questions, including the basic premise for one of the NYSML power questions.

Special thanks go to Joe Wolfson, André Samson, and Barbara Rockow for supplying the information regarding team and individual winners. Thanks also to Mark Saul, president of ARML, to Steve Adrian, president of NYSML, and to the Executive Boards of both organizations for their wholehearted support.

Finally, we thank Stanley Rabinowitz, president of MathPro Press, for his enthusiasm, and for his helpful suggestions concerning the production of this book.

Larry Zimmerman
Gil Kessler
New York City
April 1994

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